Recently, we reported that new build completions are up 6.4% nationally, meaning that the construction industry is now on track to smash the target set by the government of building a million homes in this Parliament, according to the Home Builders Federation.
However, in Birmingham, where we have our Pacific House office, the number of new homes being built has massively outstripped the national average.
Steve Loveridge, our Regional Manager for Birmingham, said:
“We have lots of new customers coming on board and the business is growing following a busy year for us. We’re taking on more staff to meet the growing demand for our services.”
As reported by Insider Media: The number of new homes built in Birmingham over the last three years has exceeded the annual targets (set by the government) by 108 per cent, new figures have revealed.
Birmingham City Council has said that between 2011 and 2018, a total of 14,000 new homes have been built, of which 24 per cent have been affordable.
The council’s house-building arm – Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust – contributes to the affordable housing supply, accounting for 47 per cent of completions.
At Advantage, we’re proud to work with Housing Associations, self-builders and developers nationwide and to have a local team available to serve our clients in Birmingham.
Cllr Sharon Thompson, a cabinet member for homes and neighbourhoods, said:
“The high level of completions in the last three years is to be celebrated. However, as the plan target steps up we will need to develop innovative ways to increase the delivery of affordable housing as well as continue to work with the private sector to bring forward sites and that development meets the wide range of housing needs.
“It is also good to note that Birmingham performed well in relation to the proportion of new build affordable properties delivered against all new builds, compared with other core cities.
“We will need to continue to work effectively with the private sector to help unlock potential housing sites; remove barriers to development; and make efficient use of land by increasing densities where appropriate.
“While it is important to provide sufficient numbers, it is also important to ensure that the homes provided are of the types, sizes and tenures that will meet the wide range of housing needs.
“We will also need to develop innovative ways to increase the delivery of affordable housing as well as continue to work with the private sector to bring forward sites and that development meets the wide range of housing needs.”
We’ll continue to bring you the latest property and construction news on our news page. To contact our Birmingham office, call: 0845 900 3969 or email: sales@ahci.co.uk
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