The Challenges Associated With Getting A Barn Conversion Warranty

If you’re involved in the development of a barn structure into a residential property, you’ll need a barn conversion warranty in place in order to sell the property on once the project has been completed. Similar in some ways to a latent defects warranty on a new-build home, a barn conversion warranty provides the owner with a 10-year policy covering the building for serious structural defects.

When it comes to barn conversions, there are issues that can make it more complicated than a standard home build, so it’s important to understand these before applying for structural insurance cover.

If the barn has been used to house livestock, especially recently, this can sometimes limit your insurance cover options.

It’s important to ensure that your barn conversion project is covered before work begins if at all possible, as this will usually mean the cover is most cost-effective and contains fewer exclusions than if the cover is taken out during the build.

What paperwork and evidence do you need to get a barn conversion warranty?

Depending on the circumstances, this list isn’t exhaustive, but will usually include:

· A detailed site plan outlining the build

· Photos (colour) of every side of the building, from the inside and outside

· A structural report from an accredited professional (Structural Engineer or a Building Surveyor) that includes an assessment of the existing structure and suitability for conversion into residential property

· A ground investigation report that looks at things such as contamination and soil strength.

Due to the complexity of barn conversion projects, applying for a structural warranty can seem like a daunting prospect. We have decades of combined experience in construction insurance and have helped many developers with cover for their barn conversion projects. Our specialist approach means that we can walk you through the process and give you as much assistance as you need to get the right cover for your requirements. Contact us to find out more.

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