Does a structural defects warranty cover these key issues?

As a developer or builder, you’ll be aware that not every kind of warranty or guarantee is necessarily made equal. When you ensure that your project is covered by a structural defects warranty, you need to be sure that it includes the elements required to provide peace of mind to the new owner.

There are three main areas covered by a good structural defects warranty. They are:

Structural defects caused by poor design – While plans and drawings are usually complete and very specific in their instructions, mistakes can sometimes be made, which may result in a structural issue once the property is constructed. An example of this could be if the architect missed out a supporting wall or another supportive element in their design, which can mean that the building is therefore unsafe.

Structural defects caused by poor quality or incorrect materials being used – Known as ‘material defects’, a structural problem with a building that occurs as a result of inferior materials being used in the construction, or the incorrect materials for the job in the first place, should be covered by a structural defect warranty.

It might be that the instructions provided to the building team were not specific enough about the materials to be used, or there could have been a mistake made on-site. Whatever the reason, materials being used that aren’t right for the specific element of the build at hand can cause problems further down the line, so this is a risk that needs to be covered by the warranty.

Structural defects caused by poor workmanship – While not common, it can sometimes be the case that an element of the project is not completed to the expected standard, which causes a structural problem that needs to be remedied. It might be that the poor workmanship results in a significant damp issue or water leak that causes structural damage to the property, or it could be an issue with another area of the build. This must be included in a structural defect warranty for the property owner’s peace of mind and to ensure that the developer is accountable for the work done on the project.

We can help with a structural defect warranty with a level of cover that is right for your project. Get a free quote today.

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