Since launching with one office and a small team in Warrington in 2015, Advantage has grown rapidly, providing structural warranty cover for projects throughout the UK, and the company’s directors are currently investing in their ongoing expansion in Northern Ireland.
One scheme that caught the eye of Alastair Clements (Advantage’s Regional Manager in Northern Ireland) is the regeneration of Queens Parade, Bangor.
Attracting £50m of private sector investment
The proposed regeneration is anticipated to bring approximately £50m private sector investment into the heart of the town, creating a significant number of jobs in the construction sector, and further employment opportunities following completion of the project in the retail, service, and hospitality sectors.
A passion for property
Like many members of the Advantage team, Alastair has a background in the property sector, having worked in this field for almost 20 years – making a name for himself as one of the founders of a well-known Northern Ireland estate agents – before specialising in structural warranty cover. So it’s no surprise that Alastair takes a keen interest in local developments and regeneration projects.
Commenting on the plans for Queens Parade, Alastair said:
“The Queens Parade Regeneration Scheme in Bangor has been a long and complicated process. As a local resident, I am very keen to see the development proceed and complement our beautiful marina. I have every confidence that Aran Blackbourne and the team at Bangor Marine Limited will do a fantastic job, and I look forward to seeing it progress.”
The Queen’s Parade area of Bangor has been largely derelict for almost 20 years and its regeneration has been an area of focus throughout this time.
The Northern Ireland Executive states that the site, which occupies a prominent position overlooking the main Queen’s Parade coastal road and Bangor Marina is, and has been, visually unattractive – regarded by many to be a key factor diminishing the vitality and vibrancy of the entire town centre.
“Finally we have the green light”
Several attempts to take forward a viable regeneration scheme within the private sector have failed over the years, giving cause for the Department to take the lead as a priority project. Approval to take forward this major scheme was granted in 2013, to the then Department for Social Development, and work commenced to acquire all the required properties within the Queen’s Parade site boundary. A number of properties were acquired through a Vesting Order in January 2017, which completed the Departments acquisition of all the required land and property to take forward the scheme.
Councillor Mark Brooks, Mayor of Ards and North Down, said:
“Finally we have the green light for the Queen’s Parade development to proceed.”
Delivering new attractions, accommodation and commercial opportunities
He added:
“I would like to thank all the residents and businesses that have taken time over recent weeks to write to the Minister to lobby for this decision – community action has paid fantastic dividends.
“The Queen’s Parade development, combined with the Council’s own plans to regenerate Bangor Waterfront, offers the potential for more than £110m of investment to come into the town over the next ten years, delivering new attractions, accommodations and commercial opportunities. There is every reason to look forward with hope and excitement.”
Do you require a structural warranty for your project? The Advantage team is proud to work with clients on developments throughout the UK to ensure that projects are covered by the appropriate structural warranty. To find out more, call: 0845 900 3969 or email: To contact Alastair, email: